All Quiet on the Western Front

It’s been all quiet here in terms of building for the last three or four days. The main reason has been that the earliest that the electrician could get here to work was today. Some roof tiles were delivered a couple of days ago, and that was about it.

Today, it looks like it is all go though. The electrician is here for his bit and the chippy is back to do the final bits of hte roof. I also see that the builder himself is here, but I’m not sure yet what he’s up to :)

Not Everyone Is A Sheep

Scottish MSPs have some sense and have rejected the ID card scheme in a debate. It’s a bit pointless as Labour will over-rule them anyway.

I especially liked this Patrick Harvie quote about the idea that law abiding citizens have nothing to fear:

“Would you feel the same if the state wanted to search your home? After all if you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to fear.”


It seems that whenever I talk about myself, it’s always about how ill I am. Today is no exception. Yesterday Ben sicked up both his main meals which was a bit of a worry. He did however sleep ok last night. I was not so lucky. Georgina went out for the evening to watch DVDs with some friends. I thought I’d take the chance to catch up on some sleep and went to bed about 9ish. Fell asleep around 10:30 but was awake again at just gone midnight feeling queasy. The rest of the night was spent oscillating between the bathroom and the bed and I think I got about 2 hours sleep :(

Today really hasn’t been a good day either as we’re both really tired and haven’t given the kids much attention. Georgina slept all morning and I slept all afternoon.

Tree Removal

The tree at the end of the garden has gone! One more task on the todo list sorted. Our garden seems much bigger (until the extension goes up!) and there’s more light.

Building Inspector

The Building Inspector came around today to look at the footings. He’s decided that we have to dig down another half a metre because of the tree at the end of the garden. The weird thing is that the tree is coming out, but we still have to do the additional digging. Not a lot we can do… the Building Inspector is God when it comes to getting a certificate, so what he says goes!