
Not a good day at work today. A project that I’m managing is running late and I received an email from the client today letting me know exactly what they thought of my project management skills. It’s not all my fault though that doesn’t make me any happier.

This blog doesn’t have a “mood” setting, but if it did, my mood would be miserable.


The tax man giveth and the tax man taketh away!

I received a coding notice today telling me that I owed the Inland Revenue 1700 quid.

I also got a 1000 quid tax refund from the Inland Revenue today…


Has he gone yet?

27th June. You won’t be able to move for the eulogies for the next few weeks…

I think the top two things he should be remembered for are the progress in Northern Ireland and giving the control of interest rates to the Band of England. He should never be forgiven for what he did to Pensions and for taking us into Iraq.

Interestingly, two of the four were Gordon’s doing, so we’ve more of the same meddling to come.

Potential for Excruciating Pain!

On Monday night, I had a vasectomy. The local anesthetic was great and whilst the surgeon did his work, I barely felt a thing. The nurse said that I wasn’t to drive for the next few days and that I’d feel a bit of discomfort.

I love that word.


Doesn’t sound too bad does it?

Tuesday felt like someone had kicked me rather hard and whilst it wasn’t painful, I was very aware that there was the potential for excruciating pain if I moved without care…

Today, it’s just uncomfortable :)

Night out

Georgina and I had a night out without the kids last night! It was the first time we’d be “out” as a couple in a while and as a result it was great to be able to concentrate on just her for a couple of hours. Of course, we’re both so tired at the moment with the kids waking during the night, that we were back home and tucked up in bed by 10:30!

We’re definitely going to do it more often though and the aim is to go out “as a couple” at least monthly. Fortunately we have found a (cheap) babysitter whom the kids love being with too.

Christmas 2006

We went to my sister’s yesterday and spent the day with them, my parents and Jacky & Sam. Tim cooked the Christmas dinner and I have to say that it was excellent. We had a really good day. The kids got presents and played games and then once they were in bed, we did some quizzes which proved exactly how short our short-term memory actually is!

Tim's Christmas Dinner!

Question of the Season

I saw this question on another site:

I wonder what it would be like if Santa asked “What do you want to Give this Christmas?”

Interesting question. You can’t help but wonder what our world would be like if everyone was focussed towards giving to others. Possibly, we’d be able to reduce the big problems in the world. You know, the ones like the helping the millions of people in the world who don’t have clean drinking water…

Christmas Tree!

Another year is coming to an end and so we have put up our Christmas tree. Jon and Ben have both enjoyed the experience. We also have pretty flashing lights all the way around the top of the walls which is fun!

Tomorrow we are going to the Santa Steam Special at the Severn Valley Railway where we get to go on a steam train and then see Santa. Jon’s really excited about seeing Santa, wheras Ben is far more excited about seeing the trains again!

Christmas Tree!