The first half of today was taken up with the start of the “clearing out the garage” project. I did fairly well and removed a car’s worth of stuff to the tip. I also put 5 items up on Freecyle to give them new homes rather than put them in landfill. One of the items is Georgina’s old Biorb aquarium and we had a little confusion with the first person who wanted it as they only wanted the air pump for their current aquarium, but it’s the wrong type. Hopefully a few people will turn up tomorrow and collect.
In the afternoon, Scott and Megan visited us. The boys got over-excited as usual! Scott in particular was a champ this visit and played hide and seek with them for a good while. Jon and Ben also shown them their new DSs, played new board games and we also got out the marble run which was great fun. I took lots of photos with my new flash too :)