
We had a great time!
We stated Christmas day to the sound of Jon’s excitement that Santa had actually come. We’re not actually sure that Jon was convinced that he would. For the first time in living memory, Georgina jumped out of bed so she could watch him open the presents in his stocking. I stayed in bed listening to lots of “wow”s and “wow wee”s which was great. His enthusiasm is infectious. After we all got up, Georgina and I had a bacon sandwich whilst we opened the presents under the tree. I got some cool loot, with Georgina sorting out my wardrobe and Ross & Amy helping me understand design issues (Thanks guys!)

We then all piled in the car and drove to Jen’s in Blackburn. Christmas Day is a great day for driving as there’s so few cars on the roads, hence we made good time! The highlight of the afternoon was, of course, the dinner! Tim (with mum’s help) made an excellent Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. It was so good that Jon ate lots too! We then opened more presents and Jon and Ben were overwhelmed with more loot! I also got some cool stuff :)

All in all, a very good day.

On St Stephen’s day, we went over to Georgina’s Aunt and Uncle’s house for lunch. Georgina’s Nanna was also there. Jon behaved impeccibly and another excellent lunch was enjoyed :)

Today, Georgina has been tidying up as we are expecting he uncle tomorrow. We also bought an artificial Christmas tree at Homebase (75% off!) for next year as I reacted badly to the live one this year. I have no intention of having rashes on both arms again!