Dead Car, Dead Rabbit

We got back from Georgina’s mother’s to discover that the battery in the Micra had died. Really died. Died to the point where the central locking doesn’t work. I’ve put the battery on charge and hopefully that’ll be all that required.

Whilst there though, I noticed a dead rabbit in the drain right by our garage door. Very odd. I don’t think they are related, but I disposed of the rabbit before sorting out the battery!

Naming Ceremony

We moved another step closer to getting Ben’s naming ceremony organised yesterday when we met the celebrant. He’s a nice chap called Allan. We talked about what we were looking for and came up with the general format of the ceremony, so I’m feeling quite confident that it’ll all work out nicely now.

Professional Football

Am I the only one that thinks that David Beckham did the right thing in choosing to foul during the Wales game? He chose to get a second yellow card whilst knowing he was injured and likely to be out of the next game anyway. It’s a blindingly obvious tactic and and I would be amazed if it didn’t happen week in week out up and down the country and all over the world. These people play football for a living, they would be doing a disservice to their employers if they didn’t ensure that they were available to play as many games as possible.

Obviously in an ideal world, none would get any yellow or red cards. That’s like saying that no office workers would play Solitaire during work time. The real world doesn’t work like that. So, if I was a professional sports player and I was in Beckham’s position, I’d have done the same.

The only thing that amazes me is that I didn’t realise he was bright enough to consider such things… he doesn’t come across as the brightest button in media interviews.

Blair's 3rd Term Vision

Looking at this report on the BBC website, I see:

Tony Blair has signalled that he would use a third term in power to radically alter the welfare state and further reform the public services.

Um… wasn’t that the promise for this term? This Government has been talking about reform for ages, our tax bills have gone up, there’s been record spending on the NHS and now he’s saying that the reform will happen in his third term?

Colour me unimpressed.

Really Tired

Really tired today. Last night we watched all of the new disc of Alias series 2 that we had received from Lovefilm. It was quite good, but not worth the time we ended up stay up to. Ben of course, woke up during the night, so it’s now morning again and I’m really tired again. Not fun. The main trouble is the headaches that I am now getting. They are actually quite painful at the front of my head until the paracetemol kicks in.

Better get an early night tonight.

More M3 Productivity

Today was a good day as our M3 skeleton started to be fleshed out (*groan*). We can now add content to the database which is correctly version controlled and get it out again with correct permission checks. Go us!

Server Problems

The server running has become unreliable since we upgraded the spam filtering software. I’m not sure if there’s a bug in the software itself or just in our use of it, but hopefully it’ll get sorted out it soon.