
Spent today setting up a CVS tree for M3. So far so good. It’s looking like it may all work. As M3 is an incremental improvement on M2, we are keeping the Fusebox framework for this version. This is mainly because I want to improve the data storage system and core data access functions. I can’t change too much in one go as it’ll take too long to learn and iron the bugs out. Maybe for M4 we’ll sort out the framework.

Anyway, the skeleton that I’ve created so far seems to be working. I need to sort out all the general library stuff that we use such as Smarty, Auth Suite, ADOdb, mimemessage for email etc. Something to do tomorrow :)


Have been working on M3 today. This is our super duper new CMS system that’s building on the solid rock of M2, our current system. It all looks so clean on paper and I have every confidence that it will speed up our site builds too. I quite like the process of planning how it’s all going to work; it’s the nitty gritty of getting it done that’s a pain!

Another Ben

Friends of ours have just given birth to a beautiful little boy whom they’ve called Benjamin. He was born last Tuesday whilst we were on holiday and we haven’t seen him yet as I’m waiting for Ben’s, Jon’s and my cold to go away.

Fundamentally Insecure?

You have to ask if Windows and Microsoft software in general is fundamentally insecure. They have just announced that viewing an image can cause a virus to be installed on your computer! Deary me! A picture should never ever be executed! A picture should never ever cause any problems!

So here we are in 2004 after a good couple of years of Microsoft’s “Trustworthy Computing” initiative, and it’s dangerous to look at images on the web using Internet Explorer. I’m not sure I’d trust them with a tin opener and a can of beans…

Scary stuff though. Better keep that antivirus software up to date.


We now have ADSL! I just plugged in the router this morning and it worked. No engineering visit required or anything!

Ahhh…. this is more like it!


We had a builder come around today to look at the plans for the extension. He’s gone away and will come back with a quote and an estimate on how long it will take. I tried to contact another builder too, but he was in Malta and came back this weekend. I left a message on his answerphone and will call him tomorrow to try and get him to quote too.

I hope the quote is affordable!