Firefox Extensions

I’ve been improving my Firefox experience with a few new extensions.

My current list is now:

Cute Menus

Last Tab (ctrl-tab change)

miniT (Tab Enhancements)

Single Window Mode

Undo Close Tab

Web Developer

The Extension Room is a good place to find more.

Of the ones I have installed, I’m really liking miniT for the ability to drag and drop the tabs to re-order them. Also Single Window Mode is cool as it puts links that normally open in a new window into a new tab in the same window :)


According to The Register, the EQ commission has gone against the EU Parliament and handed over passenger data to the US regardless of whether that breaches Europrean privacy law. It makes me terribly sad that the EU parliment really is useless and the whole EU system is completely unaccountable and left in the hands of beaurocrats.

No wonder that no one votes in European elections, they are meaningless.