
It’s interesting how you feel cooped up when you can’t go out with Jon even if you wouldn’t have taken him out anyway! Fortunately, the weather cleared up this afternoon and so we played in the garden. This considerably lighthened his spirits (and ours!) and made the day bearable.


We had my parents, Jen, Tim and family over yesterday. The day had been planned for a while and as both Leah & Jack have had chicken pox, they all came over anyway. One consiquence of Jon’s chicken pox was that we couldn’t go out for lunch, so we brought in chinese. We very quickly discovered that our dining room is too small to seat 10! Roll on the extension..

Today we had a phone call to let us know that Georgina isn’t immune to chicken pox :( Seems that the vacinnation she had last year didn’t work… Thus, this morning was spent at the hospital getting an anti-body injection. Let’s hope it works better.

Where's all the money gone?

I though that the Toney & Gordon show had pumped lots of money into the health service? It’s been at least a year – possibly two by now since that announcement.

So why are there no spare maternity beds in Surrey, Berkshire, Hampshire, London, Buckinghamshire and Oxford? What really amazes me is this quote: “But you cannot always account for such unusual peaks in demand.” Pregnanyc lasts around 40 weeks on average… you’d think planning wouldn’t be that hard to allow for a spare maternity bed in each county…

In other news, the baby carrier that was involved in the death of a child last week has been banned by Dudley council. I don’t even want to start on this one. Quote: “It is alleged that in some circumstances, particularly if the child is left unattended or the product instructions are not adhered to, a baby may become entrapped within the canopy”. It was in a nursery and the kid was unattended or the product wasn’t used in accordance with the instructions?!?!? I mean come on! Would they ban the sale of baths because an unattended baby drowned in one?

Flip side

After such a good day yesterday, today my productivity plummetted. I seemed to spend the majority of the day fighting with Microsoft Project Central in order to get my task list looking remotely like reality.

It all fell into place

at work today. All the work I did at home over the weekend worked and we got the beta out to the customer on time. I do like it when that happens. Of course I’d have preferred not to have worked over the weekend too :)

Manifesto Promise

Not worth a damn to this Government!

I don’t have a strong view either way on variable fees for Universities. I am not impressed with yet another manifesto promise being pushed aside. In the first term, it was understandable; Labour were learning the rope and had to deal with legacy issues from the previous administration. There’s no excuse this term though.