Jzw’s webcollage.
Month: April 2004
Id Cards
David Blunkett said today that with biometric Id cards, you can’t have multiple identities. He’s living in cloud cukoo land. I read a piece a little while ago that put the whole unique identity idea into touch where it belongs. Seems that David Blunkett still hasn’t read it…
The centralised database containing all the information about you (or someone like you) will get hacked and sold to nasty people. Then someone who the system thinks is you will do crimes and you will be arrested for them. At this point, the people in power who believe that the system is infallible will be able to “prove” that you did the crime because the system says so. With the current trend toward removing juries from trials and removing the right of appeal, some very scary things will happen in the future.
Happy Birthday Your Majesty
Today is Her Majesty, The Queen’s birthday.
It’s also the day where Rowan Williams has stated the obvious. Obviously watching Tony Blair wriggle and squirm over where the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq are has hardly been inspiring. Funnily enough, there was a report on the Today program this morning, saying that Michael Heseltine had commented yesterday that the fact that Tony Blair had done a u-turn over the European constitution referendum issue showed that he was losing his authority.
Interesting times indeeed.
Music Plasma
MusicPlasma is cool!
VC++ Command Line Tools
Free from Microsoft!
A Typical Saturday
I ordered a toilet seat from Travis Perkins last week and went with Jon to Kidderminster to pick it up. Whilst we were there, we popped into the SVR station and saw a few trains. As Jon’s been cooped up at home for the last 10 days with Chicken Pox, he had a really good time. In the afternoon, the weather picked up and so I mowed the lawn and did some other chores.
As noted elsewhere, A9 is worth a look.
A visit to Sutton
All the way to Sutton for a meeting today to see the IS dept of a company. The trouble with a meeting like this is that the “decision maker” has decided to go with us and then IS notice and try to apply some control to the project and generally make life complicated for us. So meeting for an hour and half plus 6 hours travelling…
It's Over
Another long weekend is over. Hasn’t felt like much of a holiday to any of us though.