Where's all the money gone?

I though that the Toney & Gordon show had pumped lots of money into the health service? It’s been at least a year – possibly two by now since that announcement.

So why are there no spare maternity beds in Surrey, Berkshire, Hampshire, London, Buckinghamshire and Oxford? What really amazes me is this quote: “But you cannot always account for such unusual peaks in demand.” Pregnanyc lasts around 40 weeks on average… you’d think planning wouldn’t be that hard to allow for a spare maternity bed in each county…

In other news, the baby carrier that was involved in the death of a child last week has been banned by Dudley council. I don’t even want to start on this one. Quote: “It is alleged that in some circumstances, particularly if the child is left unattended or the product instructions are not adhered to, a baby may become entrapped within the canopy”. It was in a nursery and the kid was unattended or the product wasn’t used in accordance with the instructions?!?!? I mean come on! Would they ban the sale of baths because an unattended baby drowned in one?