Harry's Place: Time to save the BBC

Harry’s Place has a great article called “Time to save the BBC”.

A couple of choice quotes:

The BBC is necessary because, unlike all other media outlets, it is accountable to us, the viewing public, rather than billionaire owners or corporate advertisers.


Look at some of the appalling acts committed by malign news owners in the past decade. Rupert Murdoch has censored even his most respectable news outlet – The Times – from reporting Chinese human rights abuses, because it was inconvenient to his plan to extend his interests into the heart of the Chinese Empire. Or look at the late, unlamented Conrad Black, who promoted a fierce right-wing agenda amenable to the uber-rich when he owned The Daily Telegraph. As one of his former editors, Max Hastings, put it, Black is “seldom unconscious of his responsibilities as a member of the rich man’s trade union”. Do we want the editors of our news accountable to them, or to licence payers?

The comments are worth a read too!