
Do you value your privacy? Do you want adverts targeted at you as you walk past a sign because the sign can tell what you are carrying in your pocket/handbag? Even more helpfully, the sign could also work out if you have a credit/debit card on you. How about someone being able to drive past your house and get a detailed list of all the CDs and DVDs in your house?

RFID tags enable this sort of privacy invasion. They are starting to be trialled now with Tesco & Marks and Spencer leading the way. These tags are a great idea for stock control in warehouses and I can see some potential anit-shoplifting benefits. However, in my opinion, it should be a legal requirement that once the product is sold, the tag should be removed. and Watching Them, Watching Us have some interesting information about the issues these tags raise and are far more eloquent than I am…